Força Ukraine Update: May 23rd, 2023

Dear friends – 

As some of you have seen recently on social media, the Forca Foundation has partnered with the Ukrainian American Medical Support Initiative to return to Ukraine in July 2023 and provide much needed pre-hospital trauma training.  The Russian invasion of Ukraine has now entered its second year, and the need for pre-hospital trauma training for medics and other first responders is more important than ever.  The first year saw the attrition of many front-line medics, with some units reporting overall casualty rates between 80-90%.  This is mainly due to the type of trench warfare and indiscriminate bombing of civilian infrastructure that have been two of the hallmarks of the first year of the invasion.  The second year will likely be worse, as both sides incorporate the use of heavy weaponry and armor.  

Unfortunately, a massive knowledge and training gap continues to exist in pre-hospital care in Ukraine, and too many are dying from survivable injuries and wounds.  Throughout the conflict, much of the pre-hospital medical training has fallen to small organizations and individuals, usually volunteers.  As the war has continued, funding and interest have largely waned and organizations have left.  This has led to a precipitous drop-off in knowledge and skill transfer, just as the conflict looks to be escalating again.  Friends and colleagues currently in Ukraine report that there is an unmet demand for training, and have requested the capability that the Forca/UAMSI partnership can provide.  Each of our team members has extensive experience in Ukraine, across global conflict zones, and providing pre-hospital care and training.  Our American members all work either as paramedics or ER physicians, our Ukrainian teammates have been fully vested in service since the war tore their lives apart.  

Forca is determined to do our part to make the world a better place.  Our other efforts include providing scholarships for international students to pursue life-changing educational opportunities and hurricane relief in Puerto Rico.  We may be small, but we are mighty – and we are fully committed to providing assistance whenever we can, however we can.  We ask that you please consider joining us in providing life-saving training and equipment to Ukraine.  Our goal is to raise $45,000 – which would allow for 30 days of training, equipment, and travel for the team.  Any amount helps, and every dollar will go directly to supporting the mission.  If you know others who may be interested and willing to assist in our mission, please forward this information.  Attached, you will find our full proposal, more about the amazing team we have going to Ukraine, a full budget breakdown, and ways you can stay involved with our work.  To donate directly, please use this link:  

We – the Forca family, UAMSI, and each of us as members of the team thank you for your generosity